Wholly Healthy Momma

A site meant to share healthy versions of delicious food so that more people can enjoy living a healthier lifestyle!

Best Ever Cheese Sauce

So, a staple at our house is cheese sauce, we call it yellow gravy and serve it frequently.  It is a very versatile topping – we use it over vegetables, pasta and sometimes over meat.  We change the flavor by using different spices or different cheeses… altogether it is just wonderful!  It is interesting to note that I was not able to make it very well until I changed my diet and now it is the simplest thing to make – and comes out perfectly every time!  The secret is — heavy cream.

Cheese Sauce

Cheese Sauce

Best Ever Cheese Sauce

2 Tbsp butter

1 Cup Heavy Cream

1 Cup Cheese (I like to use the preshredded because it is just easier)

Salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter in a sauce pan add cream and seasonings, mix until the cream starts to bubble gently then add cheese.  Stir mixture until cheese melts.  If mixture is too thin add more cheese until it reaches desired consistency, if it is too thick add cream.

I frequently use lemon pepper (which I make myself because the store bought stuff has sugar) or garlic salt in lieu of salt and pepper.

For yellow cheese sauce to make macaroni and cheese or to serve over vegetables I use Fiesta blend cheese and add a little bit of sharp cheddar – the sharp cheddar really makes the flavor great even though we do not like the taste of sharp cheddar.

For alfredo sauce – use Italian blend cheese and Parmesan cheese (I sometimes use mozzarella to stretch the sauce if I am short on money but the Parmesan is a must for alfredo sauce.

For mozzarella based sauce to use in vegetable lasagna I use mozzarella  a little bit of Parmesan or Italian blend cheese and add about a tablespoon of pureed bell peppers.

So simple, yet delicious! Enjoy!

p.s. for those of you worried about the fat content of this see check out this post (http://creativenutritionblog.wordpress.com/2013/06/02/cheese-sauce-too-much-fat/ ) over at http://creativenutritionblog.wordpress.com/ which explains about the fat content and how to best eat such foods.

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